Event Details
The Board of Directors of Tata Investment Company Ltd, at its meeting held on November 16, 2018 has approved a proposal to buyback up to 45,00,000 Equity Shares of the Company for an aggregate amount not exceeding Rs 450 crore, being 8.17% of the total paid up equity share capital, at Rs. 1,000 per Equity Share.
Below are the related documents:
- Board to consider proposal for Buyback of Equity shares at its meeting to be held on November 16, 2018
- Board approves Buyback of Equity Shares at its meeting held on November 16, 2018
- TICL Buyback 2018 - Newspaper Advertisement
- Postal Ballot Notice
- Postal Ballot Form
- Result of Postal Ballot Process and e-Voting
- Record Date for Buyback of Equity Share
- Public Announcement for Buyback of Shares through Tender Offer
- Update on the schedule of activities
- Letter of Offer
- Tender form for Dematerialized Equity Shares
- Tender form for Physical Equity Shares
- Securities Transfer Form (SH-4)
- Post Buyback Public Announcement
- Certificate of Extinguishment of Securities